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 Why i am not donating.

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2 posters

Posts : 14
Join date : 2008-12-19

Why i am not donating. Empty
PostSubject: Why i am not donating.   Why i am not donating. EmptySun Dec 21, 2008 4:44 pm

Why should i donate to a pking server that for the most part, has bad pking. I am not trying to offend you pure, but so far all you do is beg for donations. I thought the point of donations was to buy a better server, so it is on longer with less lag. I might donate something to a good server with a good connection to help keep the good server up, but not with the way the game is right now.

I'll begin listing many of the connection problems/glitches of this server.
1. Random Screen freezes - when this happens it happens every 2-3min and you have to restart client
2. DCing - this seems to happen when someone mages. It affects more than just the person who used the spell...
3. Invisable pking - usaully happens when someone teleports. This makes MB pking almost impossible because when you tele out the other people appear invisable a lot of the time.
4. TB - causes people to dc. When i cast it i dc about half of the time, and when i do everyone around me dcs also.
5. Ancients - same as TB
6. Target following - so i was at mage bank and a lvl 80 with a gs starts running from me. he was obviousily going to die because he ran out of prayer and food. but guess what he got away. do you know why? because in order for you to attack someone they MUST be standing still.
7. All DC's in general. it seems they happen on average every 2-3min.
8. If you KO someone with the d bow spec they dc, and when they log in they are still alive.

I Pure I, please if you could fix 3 or more of these problems, i would glady donate $20 or more.

Last edited by Bowdaget on Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I Pure I

Posts : 203
Join date : 2008-11-01

Why i am not donating. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why i am not donating.   Why i am not donating. EmptySun Dec 21, 2008 6:09 pm

No offence taken.

Yes, I know of these bugs too and I am constantly updating the server to reduce the happenings of this.
If you have/do code Java, you will know it's not just as simple as 1,2,3.
Most servers on the ServerStatus lists and always the same.

I can gaurentee, atleast three quaters of the other server are either Figmentscape or Project Czar base.
This server is a unique pking server which has alot of potential in the not to distant futre.

I have been analysing the errors I receive from Client crashes.
Most of these were to do with:

  • Too many people clicking at the same time in a small zone (train area)
  • The bats at mage bank cause Crashes too.(Soon to be removed).

I am sorry I cannot fix the glitchs/bugs/crashes straight away.
But you must realise, I do try hard.
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Posts : 14
Join date : 2008-12-19

Why i am not donating. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why i am not donating.   Why i am not donating. EmptySun Dec 21, 2008 6:38 pm

Thanks for the reply. Looking fowards to updates and i'm working on getting a credit card. Very Happy
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Why i am not donating. Empty
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